the main namespace of all javascript stock3 AG javascript libraries.

includes the chartbreaker library in BG.charts as well as dependencies like, BG.locale, and BG.clazz the main namespace of the ChartBreaker library

includes all classes of ChartBreaker distributed over several sub namespaces some global events are available directly on the namespace object itself

Hierarchy (View Summary)



ActivityIndicator: typeof ActivityIndicator
Bounds: typeof Bounds
Chart: typeof BG.charts.Chart & { EScale: typeof EScale }
ChartSet: typeof BG.charts.ChartSet & { EFormatter: typeof EFormatter }
Color: typeof Color
Controller: typeof BG.charts.Controller & {
    EChangeFlags: typeof EChangeFlags;
    EObjectQuery: typeof EObjectQuery;
    EPeekFlags: typeof EPeekFlags;
    EQuery: EQuery;
    EQueryFlags: typeof EQueryFlags;
Data: typeof BG.charts.Data
EdgeInsets: typeof EdgeInsets
EDimension: typeof EDimension
ELineType: typeof ELineType
Error: typeof Error
ESpans: typeof ESpans
Expression: typeof BG.charts.Expression
gfx: typeof gfx
IDataLoader: typeof BG.charts.IDataLoader
Indicator: typeof BG.charts.Indicator
Layer: { ELayerFlags: typeof ELayerFlags }
layers: {
    Band: typeof Band;
    Boxes: typeof Boxes;
    Candle: typeof Candle;
    Circles: typeof Circles;
    DirectionalLine: typeof DirectionalLine;
    Histogram: typeof Histogram;
    Kagi: typeof Kagi;
    Line: typeof Line;
    MCandle: typeof MCandle;
    Mountain: typeof Mountain;
    OHLC: typeof OHLC;
    PointAndFigure: typeof PointAndFigure;
    Ranges: typeof Ranges;
    ThresholdIntersection: typeof ThresholdIntersection;
    ThresholdLine: typeof ThresholdLine;
    Volume: typeof Volume;
LegendEntry: typeof BG.charts.LegendEntry & {
    EButton: typeof EButton;
    EIcon: typeof EIcon;
loaders: { Expression: typeof BG.charts.loaders.Expression }
math: typeof math
Object: typeof BG.charts.Object & {
    EFlags: typeof BG.charts.Object.EFlags;
    EOptionFlags: typeof EOptionFlags;
    State: typeof BG.charts.Object.State & {
        EFlags: typeof BG.charts.Object.State.EFlags;
ObjectStyle: typeof ObjectStyle
options: {
    activeWatermark: null | string;
    dataCacheTTL: number;
    defaultStyle: string;
        | null
        | { selector: string; values: { [key: string]: any } }[];
    env: string;
    fixedOrderObjectTypes: string[];
    fixedParentObjectTypes: string[];
    fixedScaleObjectTypes: string[];
    maxTickGapDuration: number;
    mergerTimeout: number;
    os: string;
    valueBasedTypes: string[];
Point: typeof Point
Profiler: typeof Profiler
RecoverableError: typeof RecoverableError
Scale: typeof BG.charts.Scale
setClazz: (o: TClazzDescriptor) => boolean

Type declaration

    • (o: TClazzDescriptor): boolean
    • register a clazz with ChartBreaker

      returns false if a clazz with the specified type is already registered, or if an invalid descriptor is provided

      previous registration can NOT be updated


      Returns boolean

setLanguageData: (
    lang: string,
    data: {
        domain: "charting";
        locale_data: {
            charting: { [key: string]: [null, ...string[]] } & {
                "": { domain: "charting"; lang: string; plural_forms: string };
) => void

Type declaration

    • (
          lang: string,
          data: {
              domain: "charting";
              locale_data: {
                  charting: { [key: string]: [null, ...string[]] } & {
                      "": { domain: "charting"; lang: string; plural_forms: string };
      ): void
    • provide translations for a specific language to ChartBreaker


      • lang: string

        the language code as used in a locale (e.g. 'de' or 'en')

      • data: {
            domain: "charting";
            locale_data: {
                charting: { [key: string]: [null, ...string[]] } & {
                    "": { domain: "charting"; lang: string; plural_forms: string };

        an object containing translations in the format expected by BG.locale.Translator

      Returns void

Span: typeof Span
Sparkline: typeof BG.charts.Sparkline
Style: typeof Style
Timestamp: typeof BG.charts.Timestamp & { EType: typeof EType }
Tool: typeof BG.charts.Tool
ToolGenerator: typeof BG.charts.ToolGenerator
unsetClazz: (clazz: Clazz) => boolean

Type declaration

    • (clazz: Clazz): boolean
    • unregister a clazz from ChartBreaker clazz needs to have been previously registered via BG.charts.setClazz


      • clazz: Clazz

        reference to the registered clazz

      Returns boolean

utils: typeof utils


  • Parameters

    • maxListeners: number

    Returns this

    by default EventEmitters will print a warning if more than 10 listeners are added for a particular event. This is a useful default which helps finding memory leaks. Obviously not all Emitters should be limited to 10. This function allows that limit to be increased. Set to zero for unlimited.

  • Parameters

    • cb: Function

    Returns void

    set custom error handler for event listeners

  • Parameters

    • maxListeners: number

    Returns void

    set default amount for limit warning