Data class representing a parsed timespan expression
Basic span expression consist of a number and a time unit (which can be written
in different ways).
The following are all examples of valid spans:
"6m", "1y", "6 months", "2d", "1 day"
Available units are "year", "month", "week", "day", "hour", "minute", "second", and "intraday".
The special unit "intraday" will take into account the meta data (trading times)
of a charts main timeseries.
It is also possible to just specifiy a start date, e.g. "12.04.2002" and an end date, separated by a semicolon.
The end date can also be omitted, which will make the span extend all the way to "now"
Data class representing a parsed timespan expression
Basic span expression consist of a number and a time unit (which can be written in different ways). The following are all examples of valid spans:
"6m", "1y", "6 months", "2d", "1 day"
Available units are "year", "month", "week", "day", "hour", "minute", "second", and "intraday".
The special unit "intraday" will take into account the meta data (trading times) of a charts main timeseries.
It is also possible to just specifiy a start date, e.g. "12.04.2002" and an end date, separated by a semicolon. The end date can also be omitted, which will make the span extend all the way to "now"
Example: "12.04.2002;30.09.2010"