color is used for stroking borders
color is used for filling areas
option is used as primary color for the object multiple options can have this flag; depending on the tools implementation, one of them can be chosen dynamically
color is used for stroking lines
option is disabled; ui should not allow the user to modify it reasons can optionally be specified in the 'hint' attribute of the option
option is a line style (normal / dashed / dotted) enumeration
option is a line width enumeration (width in pixels)
option is a text style (normal / italic / bold) enumeration
option is ephemeral; it will not be serialized
exposed to ui; e.g. if this flag is set for an option, the UI may allow modification of the option by the user
no recalculation neccessary; e.g. if this flag is set for an option on an indicator, ChartBreaker knows that the indicator does not have to be recalculated when the option changes
no flags
option influences object position
option is silent; no change events will be fired with this flag set
An enum containing various bit flags for generic purposed Bits 1-16 are reserved by ChartBreaker; applications may use all aditional bits
Currently used for =
attribute in all options of BG.charts.Objectflags
property in all descriptors used with the BG.charts.set* methods (e.g. BG.charts.setLoader)