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Lollipop Generator

Add to Chart:

Use a BG.charts.Controller object to add the generator to a chart:

const lollipopGenerator = controller.addGenerator('LollipopGenerator');

Draw and manage lollipops

Each lollipop displayed in the chart is a single tool, created by the generator. Each tool has its own set of options and can also be modified after its creation.

const lollipop = lollipopGenerator.createLollipop(, '\ue900', 'orange');

lollipop.get(); // retrieve all available options
lollipop.set('iconCharacter', '#\e039');
lollipop.set('timestamp', - 24*60*60*1000);
lollipop.set('color', '#00ff00');


Event handling

Each tool and the generator itself are self-emitting EventEmitters. The events on user interaction are as follows:

lollipopA.on('mousedown', (event) => {})
lollipopA.on('mouseup', (event) => {})

lollipopGenerator.on('lollipopMousedown', (event, lollipopTool) => {})
lollipopGenerator.on('lollipopMouseup', (event, lollipopTool) => {})
lollipopGenerator.on('lollipopAdded', (lollipopTool) => {})
lollipopGenerator.on('lollipopRemoved', (lollipopTool) => {})



* creates a new lollipop tool and returns it
* Throws an error if one if its parameters is missing
* @param ts: number
* @param iconCharacter: string, should be one of the available icons from the bnpp-calendar-icons-font
* @param color: string
public createLollipop(ts: number, iconCharacter: string, color: string): LollipopTool

* removes a lollipop tool from the chart
* returns true if the tool has been removed from the chart, otherwise false
* @param lollipop: LollipopTool
public removeLollipop(lollipop: LollipopTool): boolean


* timestamp of the lollipop
get(type: 'timestamp'): number
set(type: 'timestamp', value: number);

* color of the lollipop, can be a name, e.g. 'orange', or an rgb/rgba value, e.g. 'rgba(50,220,100,0.5)'
get(type: 'color'): string
set(type: 'color', value: string);

* string, should be one of the font icons (\ue900 - \ue904)
get(type: 'iconCharacter'): string
set(type: 'iconCharacter', value: string);