Sparklines are essentially extremely simplified charts and thus can be used on a very small scale. A colored line chart visualizes trends and movements of the data. It uses the same data source loaders as BG.charts.Controller and also supports updating via realtime push.
Creating a Sparkline
Like the full charts, an empty DIV-Element has to be created and attached to the DOM in a browser environment. For a node environment, an arbitrary id can be used. To create a Sparkline just provide either the HTMLElement or its 'id' property to the constructor of BG.charts.Sparkline.
Creating a Sparkline via id:
const sparkline = new BG.charts.Sparkline({
/* id of the element in the DOM */
'id': 'charting'
Or via HTMLElement directly:
const sparkline = new BG.charts.Sparkline({
/* HTMLElement */
'element': div
The timeseries that should be displayed in the chart is selected via the timeseries
This property and all others may also be passed directly to the constructor.
A full list of configurations such as width, height, and colors are described at BG.charts.Sparkline.
/* data to be displayed */
'timeseries': 'Custom(arg1,arg2)'
/* additional properties can be specified here */