returns value of requested config option
firstIndex first index for which there are values in at least one buffer
lastIndex last index for which there are values in at least one buffer
startIndex first index in the current range. can be smaller than firstIndex
endIndex last index in the current range. can be larger than lastIndex
returns the Buffer object with the specified handle
the handle of the requested buffer
returns the identifier for the specified index
returns an array containing all identifiers
returns the index for the specified identifier
if there are multiple occurences of the requested identifier, returns the first exact match if there is no exact match, returns the index of the last identifier that is smaller than the requested one
returns a list of candles that begin at the start of the intervals of size
the size of the interval in milliseconds
returns the numeric offset for the specified index will only be non-zero if the timestamp at the specified index is not distinct
offset should be used in combination with the return value of getIdentifierByIndex
an index
numeric offset
checks if data is empty
checks if a update is currently active
by default EventEmitters will print a warning if more than 10 listeners are added for a particular event. This is a useful default which helps finding memory leaks. Obviously not all Emitters should be limited to 10. This function allows that limit to be increased. Set to zero for unlimited.
zooms in/out to the specified span
first index of the new span
last index of the new span
The Data object manages and controls multiple BG.charts.Buffer objects.
It also offers additional features such as calculating indicators (using BG.charts.Indicator) on arbitrary buffers.