an optional context object that can contain arbitrary information about the environment in the key "env".
it can be provided when constructing the Controller/ChartSet
for example, when generating charts on the server, this object could be used to hold
authentication information about the request (e.g. userId, permissions), that are required
when loading data. values stored unter "env" must not be modified.
additionally, there are also values stored under the key "pass".
These get automatically reset every time data is loaded, and can be modified by loaders.
For example, these values could be used to keep track of which permissions where actually used to construct a
specific chart.
this object is provided to most components that potentially load data from external sources
an optional context object that can contain arbitrary information about the environment in the key "env". it can be provided when constructing the Controller/ChartSet for example, when generating charts on the server, this object could be used to hold authentication information about the request (e.g. userId, permissions), that are required when loading data. values stored unter "env" must not be modified. additionally, there are also values stored under the key "pass". These get automatically reset every time data is loaded, and can be modified by loaders. For example, these values could be used to keep track of which permissions where actually used to construct a specific chart.
this object is provided to most components that potentially load data from external sources