Fired when the chart was cleared
Fired when a context menu for one or more objects should be displayed
Fired when a new chart will be created
Fired when a new chart was created
Fired when an object was double clicked
Fired when a legend entry or a custom button (e.g. "select") of a legend entry was clicked
For special legend entries that do not directly reference an object, the object
parameter will be set to the Chart instead.
Fired when a legend entry was hovered
Fired when a message can be shown to the user to inform him about an event
Fired when an object was added to the underlying chartset
Fired during placement, when an object was created but not yet added to a chart
NOTE: object was not yet added to the Controllers hierarchy at this time. Some options might
Fired when an object that previously triggered objectCreated
was discarded
Fired when an objects flags changed
Fired when the highlighted object changes If no object is highlighted, parameter will be null
Fired if the hovered object changes; If no object is hovered, parameter will be null
Fired when an object (e.g. a tool) was modified
Fired when an object was moved to a new parent, scale and/or position NOTE: for Charts, both oldParent and newParent will always be null
Fired when an object that previously triggered objectCreated
was placed in the chart
This event is triggered up to two times; the third parameter indicates if the tool was just placed in a chart but there are still other handles to be placed (false), or if placement was completely finished (true).
So basically for tools that just have one handle it will only trigger once; twice for all others.
NOTE: event can be null if placement is non interactive e.g. calling addTool with a point for a tool that has only one handle will finish immediately without requiring any user interaction
Fired when an object was removed from the underlying chartset
Fired when an object was renamed
Fired when an object was replaced by or changed to another object; currently only triggered when replacing timeseries.
Fired when an object was selected or deselected; If an object was deselected, parameter will be null
Fired when a timeseries received new data
Fired when a selection menu should be displayed. The ui should call the provided callback with the object selected by the user.
fired when a loader replaces the given timeseries identifier with a different one, e.g. to honor user preferences.
uis may need to update to show the new identifier
Fired when a chart in the set was manually resized